Iron Sentry™- Roof Recovery and Restoration

The "Iron Sentry™" roofing products help you seal roofing surfaces, such as concrete, metal, EPDM, built-up and more. The base coat is red, has a perm rating of less than 0.002, is a one to one mix and is simply called Iron Sentry™ 121 - Hand mix or Spray mix. We have a silver and white topcoat. They both have perm ratings of 1.8-2.2; they have great reflectivity, abrasion resistance and have a class A fire resistance on non-combustible surfaces. The white topcoat is a pure aliphatic and simply called Iron Sentry™ 1535B or White Aliphatic Coating. The silver topcoat is called Iron Sentry™ 1401 - Silver Aromatic Coating a single component, moisture cure, polyurethane coating.

When properly applied, our products have outstanding adhesion to metal, urethane foam, and most other conventional roofing surfaces. Iron Sentry™ roofing products also resist the effects of mould, mildew, fungus and parasites. Iron Sentry™ system will create a waterproof, radiant heat barrier for your roof saving money in the heating and cooling of your building.

Bolts, seams, protrusions, equipment supports and perimeter edges are the vulnerable parts of the roof. When an Iron Sentry™ Roof system is applied it stops water infiltration and is less effected by ponding water than most coatings. A quick setting liquid applied rubber that conforms and fills the toughest flashing demands creating a fully adhered, seamless roof.


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